Anthony G. Petruccelli

[originally published February 28, 2020, 2:56PM Eastern]

We talked a bit about Straight Pride t-shirt salesnazi Anthony Petruccelli back in November, but that thread was mostly about dunking on Mike Moura

Today, let’s get to know Petro, aka SS Belt Buckle Man, aka Tony Elbows, a little bit better.

We bet no one actually calls him “The Stallion.”

Petro seems to be his preferred nickname. I call him Tony Elbows due to his, uh, distinct typing style, which Doxxer Frankenstein once described as looking like he types with his elbows.

For a while there, we were calling him “SS Belt Buckle Man,” because “posing like a dork with a gun man” wouldn’t have been specific enough:

Though he is a committed Lynn townie, Petro does get out and about on occasion.

For instance, he was part of the National Socialist Movement’s contingent that disrupted Motor City Pride last summer:

He also got out to Theodore Yunker’s “Hitler Museum” in Elkhart, Wisconsin, and claims to have acted as security for Yunker at an NSM event:

And, as we established in our Moura thread, he also kicks around the rest of New England to mentor terrible young neo-Nazi accelerationists in The Base.

So what has Mike been up to in the months since he got sacked? Let’s take a look.

For starters, he’s been spending some time hanging out with the fine folks from Patriot Front and the National Socialist Movement. That’s Moura on the right.

— Green Monster Antifa, “Michael R. Moura,” originally published November 19th, 2019

The Base has recently seen a member arrested in Wisconsin for vandalizing a synagogue, and three members arrested for plotting two murders in Georgia.

Elbows was big mad about us posting about his Base ties.

He also, as was also previously noted, came into Boston for Straight Pride, where he and fellow NSM member Sarah Flynn sold t-shirts on behalf of Super Happy Fun America.

Sarah Flynn (right) is best known for dumb stunts like going to the mall in full Nazi regalia and pretending to be oppressed when restaurants don’t want to serve her.

You can read more about her Providence appearance here.

Now, we enjoy having some laughs at the NSM’s expense, because these people are fuckin’ goofy. But we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that Petruccelli is an actual swastika Nazi with a lot of guns, even if he doesn’t look nearly as cool with them as he thinks he does.

Seriously, we could post poorly spelled racist shit from his now-defunct Vkontakte page all day, but we’ll spare your eyeballs.

We can’t emphasize enough how connected these Nazis are to Super Happy Fun America. They carried SHFA’s official banner at the Straight Pride Parade. They sold the official t-shirts for them.

Swastikas don’t really fly in the United States. American fascism requires a cover, distancing itself from the anti-American swastika, but still embodying the values of hate and violence. Super Happy Fun America provides that mask, but the Nazis are still there.

SHFA organizer Samson Racioppi has been all over this here website scrambling to distance himself from Petruccelli and Flynn, by pretending it’s hard to notice literal swastika-tatted NSM members at SHFA’s tiny-ass rallies.

This is because Samson is an oblivious dolt who doesn’t understand his own movement and still thinks he’s a libertarian. Groups like SHFA have little formal membership so they can maintain plausible deniability about the fash they knowingly, deliberately attract to their actions.

Here we see Samson claiming Boston Free Speech, Resist Marxism, and Super Happy Fun America are “completely separate entities,” which is just laughable. (We also see him offering to fight Rod Webber, which is also funny but for different reasons.)

Since Samson pinky-swears that Petruccelli and Flynn won’t be at any more SHFA actions despite SHFA’s claimed inability to vet attendees, today we will not be reminding you that Samson attends Boston’s New England Law, and has reportedly been harassing queer students there. 😇

Instead we suggest calling SHFA organizer John Hugo’s employer and asking them if they’re real real sure that their “we don’t care what our employees do in their spare time” policy should really extend to organizing hate rallies and hanging out with this guy:

Here’s his manager’s line and a nice little thread on Hugo from @antifashgordon, in case you need a refresher on how entangled all these folks are with each other, despite their wide-eyed protestations:

Anyway, if you see Petro kicking around Lynn or anywhere else, tell him he’s a fucking dork.

EDITOR’S NOTES – JANUARY 5TH, 2023: Petruccelli was arrested for assault & battery with a dangerous weapon in Lynn MA on August 10th, 2021, for which he served some amount of time. If Petruccelli’s own social media posts are to be believed, some time after his release for that crime he fled to Florida.

Both Hugo and Racioppi have run for various positions in office. Hugo attempted to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018, and Racioppi attempted to run for the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2022. Both lost.