Noah W. Bogosh

[originally published January 30, 2020, 12:50PM Eastern]

Last week, Patriot Front’s Noah Bogosh was arrested in Brookline for stickering city property while high.

Noah was also part of the PF group that tried to crash the March Against Cages last year.

Let’s take a closer look at Noah and his friends.

Noah, the son of a pastor, spent his teen years in Florida—first home-schooled, then at FSU—making him an official Florida Man. He has a DUI in Florida, which is boring by Florida Man standards, but does give us some additional information, like what he looks like.

On August 4, 2019, Noah was part of a group of 8 Patriot Front members who attempted to disrupt the Boston March Against Cages, an anti-ICE demonstration.

Noah’s the big one.

Photo courtesy of Unicorn Riot

The anti-ICE protesters quickly surrounded Patriot Front and backed them onto the Orange Line, where they stood around looking awkward about being trapped on a train in masks.

The guy dramatically clutching his chest is Chris Hood.

Photo by Emily Goldhammer

Hood was the leader of the Boston chapter of PF at the time (he has since been kicked out for stealing their print shop money to buy weed). He had been arrested earlier in the year on a weapons charge while posting racist flyers in East Boston.

Hood was also part of Boston’s supposedly not-fascist Resist Marxism, whose main organizers are now Super Happy Fun America, which organized the Straight Pride Parade.

ThinkProgress (RIP) documented Hood’s ties to RM back when it was active as RM.

The guy behind Bogosh in the Unicorn Riot photo—dressed the same, basically looks like a slightly smaller version of him—is Matthias Thorpe.

Here he is seig-heiling at the March Against Cages, and here’s what he looks like unmasked

With Hood, Thorpe was also in Resist Marxism before its rebrand, right from its early days in 2017.

North Shore Antifa’s got photos of him with Samson Racciopi, Garrett Kirkland, and other known fashy dipshits from back before he was ID’d:

Thorpe was also involved with Anti-Communist Action, a neo-Nazi organization that attended Unite the Right in 2017.

In late 2017, Thorpe, accompanied by Hood and TPUSA affiliate Chris Bartley, crashed a Mark Bray book signing at the Harvard Coop, went out and picked a fight, lost it, and then whined about it on Periscope.

Patriot Front has supposedly prioritized keeping its members’ identities secret above all other aspects of organizing, so… nice job, guys.

They all do some dumb shit that ends up exposing themselves eventually. And when they do, we’ll make sure to put it on blast.

Anyway, the point here is that Bogosh isn’t some random stoner with poor judgment who wandered into possession of some Patriot Front stickers. He’s definitely a Nazi who hangs out with other Nazis, and should be shunned from polite society.