Steven Pittsley

[originally published on November 3, 2021, 9:48AM Eastern]

Good morning! This is Steven Pittsley, another CORR chud and a member of the Three Percenters militia movement.

Content warning for the whole thread for misogyny, sexual violence, and general incel shit.

Of CORR’s organizers, Steven is one of the most open about his misogyny and violence. He is in the CORR organizers Telegram chat and has attended CORR meetings with Melissa Terra, the channel’s admin.

We threaded on Melissa Terra on Monday, including where she works:

And we’ve been threading on CORR (“Citizens Organized to Restore Rights”) since last week. The TL;DR is that they are “patriot” types who do security for other fashy groups, like Super Happy Fun America, and raise money for the “heroes of January 6”

In addition to his involvement with CORR, Steven is part of the Three Percenters, a right-wing militia movement with delusions of re-fighting the Revolutionary War. Here’s a quick overview from the @splcenter.

Steven uses the Threeper location format in his Telegram handle (MA-Z3L, “Massachusetts zone 3”). His Facebook banner makes his Threeper loyalty even more obvious:

With so many people in his profile pic, it can be hard to figure out which one is Steven. Fortunately, our dude also has a Twitter, which helps us narrow it down:

And here he is posting a lot of Threeper stuff on said Twitter:

From there we can find his YouTube channel, also under the name Steven Pittsley, which only has 2 subscribers and some dorky Airsoft videos. It is definitely the same guy, though.

Steven really loves guns. Like, a lot. His Facebook likes are full of guns, hot girls with guns, more guns, and… French bulldog Viking furry domination? We’re not 100% sure what we’re looking at here, to be honest

Steven is extremely worried that the encroaching government is going to take his lovely guns away, like they’ve definitely been on the brink of doing any minute now for decades (in the right-wing imagination):

In a very worrying combination, while Steven loves guns, he hates women. His posts are full of misogynistic rants, rape apologism, anti-abortion rhetoric, and angry incel bullshit:

The reason this is a worrying combination is that misogyny and mass shootings are closely intertwined. Most mass shooters have either a history of domestic violence or a history of being mad that they don’t have a girlfriend to commit DV upon (or both).

This connection between misogyny and mass shootings has been reported on fairly extensively in both academic journals and mainstream newspapers, but people seem to sort of forget about it between shootings.

Anyway, when he is not playing with guns or posting rape apologia online, Steven lives in Fall River, Massachusetts, where he installs pools and is careless about where he posts his phone number (why do they keep doing this?).

CORR’s founder David Steinhof is also based in Fall River, where he organizes out of his dental practice, nicknamed “Valley Forge.” We threaded on him and his domestic violence allegations last week:

CORR and their goons, like Steven, are coming up from Fall River this Sunday to bother Boston with a rally with Straight Pride jerkwads Super Happy Fun America, a group that features two January 6 arrestees in its leadership.

If you’d like to tell this whole load of violently misogynistic failsons to get the hell out of town, @Bos_Solidarity is leading the counterprotest at 11:30 a.m. on Boston Common: See you there!

EDITOR’S NOTES – JANUARY 8TH, 2023: We apologize for omitting that Pittsley was charged for bomb threats under another name in 2017.