[originally published on November 19, 2019, 12:05PM Eastern]
Unhappy birthday to Michael Moura, who is turning 26 years old today in the custody of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.
I’ll be documenting his ties to The Base, Patriot Front, and the NSM, and the Straight Pride Parade’s ties to those orgs, too.

Eat shit, Mike! 🥳🎂🔒
You might remember Mike from when AntiFashGordon doxxed him this summer in the leadup to the Straight Pride Parade, and we all got his ass fired from Kohl’s. Good times.
So what has Mike been up to in the months since he got sacked? Let’s take a look.
For starters, he’s been spending some time hanging out with the fine folks from Patriot Front and the National Socialist Movement. That’s Moura on the right.

From left to right: Sarah Flynn, Cameron Anthony (deceased), an unknown NSM member, Anthony Petruccelli, and Michael Moura.
The above photo was taken at this Patriot Front banner drop in Hartford, Connecticut in early October. You can read more about Patriot Front and Moura’s ties to them in AntiFashGordon’s thread linked above.

A propaganda photo of a Patriot Front banner drop somewhere in Hartford CT, dated October 3rd 2019.
The group photo also features Sarah Flynn (left, red shirt) and Anthony Petruccelli (2nd right, arm around Moura), both of the National Socialist Movement.
Petruccelli also has ties to neo-Nazi group The Base. The Base is best known for running “hate camps” and vandalizing synagogues. You can read more about them in this piece by the Daily Beast.

Flynn and Petruccelli were also the official t-shirt salesnazis at the Boston Straight Pride Parade on August 31, 2019.

Holding the “Buy T-Shirts Here” banner in the left of this photo: on the left is Sarah Flynn, and on the right is Anthony Petruccelli.
Which brings us to this hilarious exchange with Moura’s former fellow Resist Marxism colleague and Straight Pride organizer Samson Racioppi:

Mike and Samson have been beefing for a while now, and not just over Samson’s chronic inability to notice Nazis in his immediate vicinity. Mike keeps fedjacketing Samson; Samson keeps bringing up Mike’s escalating legal troubles.

On October 6, we got the news that Mike had been arraigned on a charge of Criminal Harassment regarding “a series of incidents involving a woman he met at a Resist Marxism rally.”
He was released on personal recognizance and spent another month or so doing dumb fashy things, like crashing @RodWebber’s documentary screening with Patrick Soutter.
On Friday, November 8, however, he was taken into custody, where he is now facing 34 charges of felony Criminal Harassment.
(If you are surprised to hear that this misogynistic neo-Nazi is also a domestic abuser, please raise your hand and slap yourself with it.)

Moura being his most authentic self
Predictably, other terrible men have leapt to Moura’s defense. Patriot Saints President Chad Hidler (yes, that’s his real name) has started a legal defense fund for Moura, featuring the kind of evasive language terrible men often use when discussing the things terrible men do.

The Patriots Saints were supposed to do security for the Straight Pride Parade, but dropped out after AntiFashGordon published this thread on Chadler:
More importantly, Hidler claims Moura is now represented by Holocaust denier Augustus Invictus, who also represents members of the neo-Nazi terror group Atomwaffen Division, which has been linked to several murders.
More can be read on Atomwaffen here, on an archived page from Nate Thayer’s website.
Augustus Invictus, real name Austin Gillespie, was a headline speaker at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017, where James Alex Fields ran his car into a crowd of protesters, killing Heather Heyer. Here’s an SPLC piece on him.
Here’s more on Invictus from his failed Senate run from the ABA Journal, if you want it, because he’s a really weird guy and we’re embarrassed that he was admitted to the bar in Massachusetts:
So these are Moura’s friends: Patriot Front, the Patriot Saints, the National Socialist Movement, the Base, Atomwaffen’s lawyer—a rogue’s gallery of right-wing paramilitaries and wannabe-paramilitaries, all in support of Moura’s “right” as a white guy to commit domestic violence.
Anyway, we think it’s ironic that Mike is in jail given his weird obsession with tweeting about going to jail, and we hope he stays out of our community for at least as long as he’s been making bad tweets.
Solidarity to all the incarcerated people who have to deal with Mike’s Nazi bullshit while he’s locked up with them, though.
EDITOR’S NOTES – JANUARY 5TH, 2023: Moura was arrested for illegal possession of firearms on April 28th, 2021. He pled guilty on June 13th, 2022, and was sentenced to 37 months in prison with three years of supervised release on November 16th of the same year. At the time of this writing, he’s currently incarcerated at FCI Otisville in New York, and is scheduled to be released on December 13th, 2023.
Nate Thayer, whom we cited for his research on Atomwaffen Division, passed on January 3rd, 2023, according to the Associated Press. Rod Webber, a friend of Nate’s, published an obituary on Nate’s Substack. He was a good comrade, and he will be missed.